Monday, April 13, 2009

When I brought Mason home from the hospital Melia was pretty jealous for the first several months, I guess I assumed she still was or hadn't even thought about it for a while. The other day I took Melia skiing to give her a little "Mom and Me" time. When we went back to my sister-in-laws to pick up Mason, Melia replied, "I can't wait to get Mason, I miss him." Looking at this picture, reminds me that Melia really does love and take care of her baby brother, even if that often includes tackling him, dumping him on his head, stealing his toys, etc. They are the two cutest kids in the world and I'm certain that I'm the luckiest person ever!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How adorable! I completely forgot to take photos...I'll have to re-create I guess.